Wednesday, August 4, 2010

StarCraft Airplanes and other Excitements

So, I’m sitting in the Korean Airport, signing to myself my little airport ditty: “hopefully boarding the airport soon dah doo dee doo/American tourists doing the wrong thing dah doo dee doo/That announcement was in Japanese that’s so cool” and so on and so forth, when suddenly I glance to my right and see – wait for it – the Air Korea StarCraft Plane! So I booked 4it to the window and essentially threw all my stuff to the ground, simultaneously attempting to extract my camera from its spot at the bottom of my purse, all so that I might catch one decent picture of a really cool plane. And I did.

In other news, I watched “The Joneses” on the plane, I would totally recommend it as David Duchovny was some hot stuff.

After the whole crazy-girl-StarCraft thingy, I managed to safely board the Air Korea flight to Chiangmai. Much like the flight my family took from Narita to Sapporo, the average sized plane was fairly close to empty. I was in a window seat with only one seat beside me, but it wasn’t occupied so I curled up and slept for 5 hours.
I got off the plane, stood in a big line-up for quite a while to get through immigration, grabbed my baggage and walked out of Security.

Standing at the area where people stand to pick people up from the airport was a group of about 15 Thai people with a banner that bore the words "Welcome to Chiangmai Jocelyn Boere" and some pictures of both me and famous places in Chiangmai. I kid you not. So I met a whole bunch of people and got given this massive bouquet of roses and it was very nice.

Then I was brought home by my Khun Mae (Mom) and Ann and Nan, my two sisters. I was fed fruit (absolutely delicious lychees) and sent off to an extremely comfortable bed. The next morning I was woken up fairly early by Khun Mae. Then row bpai dtalad, i.e. we went to the market. Oh man, the market. Of course this was just the ‘little’ market near our house – it was still pretty big, to my mind. The first part was fairly normal looking. It was just a lot of people selling cooked – mainly deep-fried – food. I tried deep-fried chicken skin! It was delicious… But anyways, we walked around the cooked food area and then we moved on, to what I assumed would be the fruit & veg area. NOPE! One big area of this market was devoted to the sale of meat and fish. Mainly meat. And I mean raw meat. There was raw pork, chicken, there was even – just laying on a table somewhere – a raw cow's stomach, looking all green and sickly. Actually, it bore a striking resemblance to how I always envisioned the skin of a tauntaun, only greener. It was pretty cool. Then we went to the fruit and veg area and that was great too. There was so much stuff! I’ve already eaten yellow mango, green mango, and persimmon!

Later that day we went to order me a uniform, and set up a bank account.

Chiangmai is the COOLEST PLACE EVER! I’m so glad I was sent here.

I ate Chinese food for dinner last night. We fed nine people full to bursting, with food left over, at this nice restaurant for about 2000 baht (which is just over 60$ CAN.) that’s pretty darn cheap for the quality of food we were eating. Think about it guys, about 7$ per person.

I also saw my new favourite store in the world, even though I haven’t been in yet. It’s called My Shoes! I think you can figure the rest out for yourselves.

Alrighty, that’s about it.

I love you all, and think you should comment so that I know I’m not doing this solely for Rach’s benefit (though you know I wouldn’t stop, babe).


Sai-rung (that’s my Thai name, it means rainbow)


  1. DURRRR.


    I WILL SEE YOU IN TEN DAYS (hopefully).

    I'm glad your exchange is already off to an amazing start, haha.

  2. Ah Jocelyn! You have no idea how jealous i am, i think my skin has turned bright neon green with envy. While reading your artical i was smiling and laughing and wimpering(when i thought about all those poor piggies.) and dearly wishing i had a cookie.

    I discovered your brother today has no idea where you went in the world, I can't remeber exactly where he was trying to tell Stephanie you were but it certainly wasn't Thiland. x). My mother made funny whimpery noises today for missing you and at that moment your amazing massaging skills and hugh appeared completely oblivious to the fact that you had left.

    I hope you have tons of adventures and write about them so i can live bicariously through you. I also hope you enjoyed the silly antics from the nerds we call friends.

    Miss you with the passion of a thousand burning suns.


    PS i didn't fix the spelling mistakes for your benifit. ;D

  3. I cannot tell you how cool and awesome it is that you saw a StarCraft plane! You must show me that picture.
    I'm so glad that you're having lots of fun! I already long for your presence.
    Have lots more fun and epic adventures, and eat lots more delicious food! :D

  4. I am so jealous of the food that you are eating, particularly the fruit! The variety of mangoes alone sounds divine. By the by, fantastic blog writing style! I am looking forward to your future posts.

  5. That shoe store sounds fabulous; you can single-handedly push Asia out of any fears of a recession! Inspired!

    I love how your first night in Thailand you ate Chinese food. That's just awesome!

    Please sing the Airport Ditty when you come home. That would be great.

    Love from the gang!


  6. When does school start? What does your uniform look like? What's the weather like?

  7. I drank lychee flavored coolers last weekend. They were repulsive. I hope they're better where you are.
